One of Pet Planet's weekday Value Day.

Treat Thursday

Every Thursday in-store at Pet Planet, save 15% on dog and cat treats!

Excludes frozen treats.

Pet Planet Auburn Bay

When Choosing Treats...

Pick options that complement your pet’s food, rather than compromise. Consider this when looking for your pet’s next treat:

High-quality ingredients – just like the food you’re feeding from Pet Planet.

Avoid artifical flavours, colours, and chemical preservatives.

Treats have calories too, low calorie treats can help better control weight and lower the risk of pet obesity.

Some of Our Available Treat Brands

Brand Partners - Benny Bullys Logo
Brand Partners - Jay's Tasty Adventures Logo
Brand Partners - Open Range - Logo
Polkadog logo
PureBites Logo

What About the Treat Style?

Every pet is a little different. Some like something soft and chewy, while others prefer a crunch. Then there are those that can’t have this, but can’t have that either.

At Pet Planet, we can help you find the best treat for your pet.

Learn more about the rest of our Value Days by clicking their icons.

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